Cone VS Gyratory: Machines for Rock Crushing

If rock crushing machines are something you are familiar with, the gyratory and cone crutches will be a part of that knowledge. To those without this information, let us fill in the blanks. Find out all you need to know about this range of functions within these sectors of industry.

Gyratory equipment options are most commonly seen as primary processors within the heavy, mining and construction sectors of industry, while the one option is more likely to be along the second line if not primary too. This initial stage placement means they are one of the first steps in the breaking down process. Whether dealing with raw or waste materials, these are arguably the most durable of the ranges. Keep reading to find out more about these tools.

The DIfferences 

The difference between these two types of tools is simple. The major factors that come into play are speed and type of pressure, and that is where these two have their uses separated. It is first the speed that the mantle, or moving steel covering, travels while crushing the material. A primary system will move and crush at a far lower RPM than a secondary processor as the material is far less refined. Due to this change in pace, the secondary process undergoes a hammering type of motion, whereas the primary undergoes more squeezing and grinding in movement. The higher speed and more aggressive motion account for a smaller fall space and higher impact rate, meaning a more refined product.

Parallel Crushing Zone

Due to the shape and consistent motion of a primary processor like the gyratory design, the parallel zone is formed whereby an equal fall and crush space if formed and consistent sizing of material can be estimated. With the slower repetition and rotation, it is more effective to gauge the size of the final product. As opposed to a secondary system like the cone that would be more focused on mass reduction of the size where possible, rather than consistent sizing. The shape of the machine is what allows this zone to be formed and carry out its job as intended.

When you are looking to find out which rock crushing machines are best, be sure to come to the professionals that can assist you. Not only can we guide and advise, but we can ensure you are getting the right tools for the job every time. Contact Mormak to find out more about professional insight into these industries.